Vota Juan 2019


Set in the world of Spanish politics, Vota Juan revolves around the character of Juan Carrasco (Javier Cámara), an uninspiring Minister of Agriculture who, after finding his political ambitions awoken by a series of chance political events, decides to take part in his party's primary elections thereby giving himself a chance to eventually run for the position of Presi...

Todos los títulos
  • ES: Vota Juan Vota Juan
  • ES: Vota Juan Vota Juan
  • ES: Vamos Juan Vamos Juan
  • ES: Vote for Juan Vote for Juan
  • DE: Vota Juan Vota Juan
  • UA: Vote for Juan Vote for Juan
  • US: Vote for Juan Vote for Juan
Fecha de lanzamiento 25 Jan 2019
Enlace IMDb
